Saturday, November 3, 2007

Off-Season Activities

Today's post is about activities that you can pursue in the off-season. Of course, this post could go in a completely different direction... but I will resist the temptation to wander down that path...

This morning, the clocks turned back at 2am. This is a very depressing time for us fisher folk. In New England, the fishing season appears to be winding down. The shorelines are barren of surf casters and the rivers are missing the usual population of fly fishers. A recent check on the Cabelas website reveals a nice stock of ice augers. Get ready, old man winter.

If you're not into ice fishing and cannot travel to Cabo San Lucas on a whim to do some Marlin fishing, here are some ideas for making use of the winter months to increase your enjoyment of the sport when spring comes around:

  • Take a fly tying class

  • Remove the line from all reels and put new line on

  • Clean out your tackle box

  • Get rid of equipment that you just don't use

The latter is like keeping mismatched socks. Why would you hold onto something that you don't need? Unless you are a pack rat who enjoys using orphaned socks as dusting cloths...

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