Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Organizing a Tackle Box

..this is why they call it a Tackle Box! By the time you've finished organizing it, you feel like tackling someone!

The key to organizing any tackle box is organization. Categorization, that is. First, if you saltwater fish and fresh water fish, you really should have two separate tackle boxes. You don't want to mix saltwater lures in with the fresh, as these lures may rust more quickly from exposure to the salt. In addition, having two separate boxes makes everything more accessible and organized.

Second, categorize. Let's use a freshwater tackle box as an example. In the "hull" (bottom) of your tackle box, you should have needle-nosed pliers, a collection of pellet weights, band aids, extra bobbers, extra line (a spool), extra hooks (in packages) if you are fishing live bait (shiners, sawbellies or even worms), baggies of rubber worms (if you use artificial bait), finger nail clippers (great for cutting the line close to the knot), bug repellent, a small flashlight, and dramamine. You never know who is going to get woozy. You might also want a regular pair of scissors, but you definitely want a good fishing knife. You can bring a scale, too, if you feel that weighing and measuring are going to come into play. There are some additional items from Ronnie Garrison that might provide additional insight.

So, you've got a full hull. Let's consider that the tackle box we are working with has three tiers. The first tier (on the bottom) of a tackle box has the longer lures (e.g., top water baits). You might also have rubber worms (hooked) in these slots, as well.

The middle tier should have your spinnerbaits and your crankbaits. I store mine with the head facing out (towards me) so that I have easy access to the clasp and reduce the risk of getting hooked in the finger.

The top tier should have an array of items that you use regularly. For example, leaders, pellet weights, snap swivels, etc. You might have your favorite hula popper up there, too, for easy access.

Remember to categorize your tackle box before your next expedition. You'll spend more time catching flounder than floundering!

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