Thursday, July 19, 2007

<< * * >> Bullfrogs << * * >>

Bullfrogs have lots of things in common with fishing.

  • Bait

  • Sounds you might hear

  • Sunscreen

This morning, I was running. I heard the sounds of perhaps the most gigantic, enormous bullfrog ever. I envisioned him to be a foot wide with a deep, long ribbit. Wow. This guy was a big one! As I passed by on my way home, there he was again... ribbit!

So, my article today is about...Bullfrog...the sunscreen.

Do yourself a favor when fishing. Spray yourself with a good sunblock right before leaving. By the time you get out there and cast a line, you are not going to want to spritz yourself with sunblock. Bullfrog brand has paved the way for some excellent products. Waterproof, hypoallergenic, and available in unscented, you will be doing yourself a tremendous favor by investing in this sunscreen.

Your skin needs to stay young so that you can embark on many, many fishing excursions!

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