Sunday, November 25, 2007

To Clear the Mind, Take a Hike

When all else fails and the fish just aren't biting, well, take a hike.

Hiking has always been a great way for me to clear my head. With resumes, jobs, and more phone calls than I could have ever imagined over the past few weeks (that's a good thing and Verizon thanks me), I was in need of a long hike. Today, I ventured off to Osbornedale State Park in Derby.

A rather small state park, I discovered a basic trail and just followed it. I discovered some outdoor meeting pavilions with fireplaces, a nice pond with geese (and fish), and a wonderful collection of birds to stimulate my ornithological tendencies. Next time, I'll have to bring my binoculars and bird book. My grandmother would be so proud of me.

I needed to hike today. Clearing the head going into a busy week is important. I have a good feeling about how things are going to play out for me this week. I have some big decisions to make and feel confident that I will have the opportunity that I seek.

Also, it is the holiday season. That time of year when all of your radio presets jingle Christmas music - I always feel sorry for Jewish people and those of non-Christian faith. How presumptive of American radio to play only Christmas music.

The holiday season is also a very warm, fuzzy time of year. My parents (Bill and Carol) will be visiting for a week around Christmas. This will undoubtedly be a very special visit, as Dad has made a complete recovery from his battle with oral pharyngeal cancer. It has been a long, arduous year for him (and us), but no gift can top his improving health. I'm sure I'll be spending lots of time in Canton at J & S's.

My new year's resolution is to become a big sister. Naugatuck has a Professional's program that enables you to volunteer time and help out a child who needs some guidance or support. A colleague does this with two wonderful girls; I'm inspired to do so myself - to give some when I have enough to share.

Wish me luck this week! Happy Birthday, Dad!

1 comment:

Michele said...

I'm glad your Dad is doing much better. I am sure that will be a tremendous visit for all of you around!

I think that's wonderful volunteering to be a big sister!

Good luck with all that you need to this week. I hope it all pans out well.

Birthday wishes for your Dad.
